Sunday, June 28, 2015

Article 2 Law No. 8 of 2009 concerning the protection of manuscripts

Article No. 2 "The National Library and Archives is the only competent Authority to apply the provision of this Law." 

My translation from Arabic into English

Article 8 Law No. 8 of 2009 concerning the protection of manuscripts

Article 8 

 " It is prohibited for the possessor of manuscript to dispose it in any way unless after sixty days from informing the Authority by registered letter with return receipt."

My translation from Arabic into English                                                                      

Article No. 4 Law No. 8 of 2009 concerning the protection of manuscripts

Article ( 4 )

 "Whoever possess the manuscript must inform the Authority within one year from the date this law enters into force in order to be registered and this period may be extended for another year by a decree of the competent Minister of Culture."

My translation from Arabic into English                                             

Article 15 Law no. 150 of 1950 promulgating the Law of Criminal Procedure.

Article 15

The criminal Action expires in the criminal Articles after 10 years from the day the crime occurred, and after 3 years in misdemeanors while in petty offense it  drops after the elapse of one year, unless otherwise stated. 

My translation from Arabic into English

Article 1 of Law No. 394 of the year 1954 regarding Weapons and Ammunition.

Article 1

It is prohibited, without having a permit from the Interior Minister or who act on his behalf ; the possession of the firearms set forth in Table (2) and the first section of Table (3) as well as the edged weapons stated in Table (1) annexed.
In no case shall grant a permit for the weapons described in the second section of Table (3), in addition to firearm mufflers, sound reduction and Sight Scope with Gun Mount.
The Interior Minister shall by virtue of a decree from him amend the tables attached to this Law, by addition or deletion except the weapons set forth in Section two of Schedule No. (3) Shall not be amended except for making additions.

My translation from Arabic into English

Article 126 Law No. 150 of 1950 Criminal Procedure

Article 126

The inquiry judge in all Articles shall issue as the case may be a Compulsory Summon Order for the accused, warrant of arrest or to be brought before the court.

 Translation by Heba Musa 

Article 25 bis Law No. 394 of 1954 regarding Weapons and Ammunition

Article 25 bis
Shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one month and a fine of not less than fifty pounds and not more than five hundred pounds whoever possessed a weapon from the edged weapons set forth in Table No. (1) without having a license.
The penalty shall be imprisonment for a period not less than two months and a fine of not less than one hundred pounds and not more than one thousand pounds if the acquisition or possession of such weapons in places of congregations, transportation or places of worship.

Translation by Heba Musa

Article 127 Law No. 150 of 1950 promulgating the Law of Criminal Procedure

Article 127

every arrest warrant issued by the investigating authority must contain the suspect’s name, surname, occupation and place of residence as well as the charge against him, the date of the warrant, the signature of the judge who issued it and the official stamp;
The order shall include Compulsory Summon Order for the accused as well as to appear within a given time.
the arrest warrant shall instruct the public authority officers to arrest and bring the accused promptly before the Investigator in the event he refuses to appear voluntarily. Furthermore, the detention warrant shall instruct the detention center officer to admit the accused into detention center after explaining the offense with which he is charged and the basis thereof.

Except for the crimes that falls under the jurisdiction of the inquiry judge, in accordance with Article (64) the Public Prosecution shall conduct the investigation in misdemeanors and felonies, in pursuant to the established provisions for the inquiry judge, taking into consideration what is stipulated in the following Articles.

My translation from Arabic into English

statute of limitations

Article (528(
 The sentence issued in a felony drops after the elapse of 20 years, except in capital punishment, it elapse after 30 years.
The sentence issued in a misdemeanor drops after the elapse of (5) five years.

The sentence issued in a petty offense drops after the elapse of (2) two years.

                                                                              My translation from Arabic into English  

Article 395 of the Criminal Procedural Code

"If the convicted in absentia appears or has arrested before the termination of the established limitation, the President of the Court of Appeal shall set a soonest hearing to review the case; the defendant shall attend the hearing held in custody, and the Court may order his release or detention pending the completion of the proceedings. The default judgment with regards to the penalty or the compensation shall not be abated only in the presence of the convicted during the hearing sessions; in this case the court shall not rule any severer sentences than what was issued in the default judgment.
Should the convicted in absentia fail from attending the hearing set for the review, the issued sentence shall become valid; and If the convicted manage to appear once more before the court prior to the established limitations, the Prosecution shall order to arrest him and the President of the Court of Appeal shall set soonest hearing to review the case; the defendant shall attend the hearing held in custody, and the Court may order his release or detention pending the completion of the proceedings.
If the former judgment has implemented, the court shall order the refund of all or some of the collected funds.

In the event of the death of the convicted in absentia, the sentence shall be passed in the presence of the heirs"

Article No. 302 of the Egyptian Criminal Procedure Code

Article No. 302 of the Criminal Procedure Code " The judge rules in the case, according to the opinion he formed in his own free will. However, he cannot base his judgment on evidence that did not submit to him during the hearing, and if the confession proves it was induced from one of the defendants or witnesses by duress or threat, it will not be admissible."

Translation by Heba Musa

Article 251 of the Criminal Procedure Code

Article 251 of the Criminal Procedure Code: " Anyone who has suffered damage whose occurrence has been established arising from a crime, shall be entitled to file a civil action before the Court that consider the criminal case, at any stage of the proceedings of the case until closing of Court Proceedings according to Article 275."

Translation by Heba Musa

Article 68 of the Social Insurance Law No. 79 of 1975

the provision of Article 68 of the Social Insurance Law No. 79 of 1975 

"the harmed person or his beneficiaries will not be able to claim compensation for that harm from the competent authority under any other law, and the same for the employer, unless that harm happened as a consequence of the employer's fault, and such fault need to be proved."

My translation from Arabic into English

Article 54/2 of the Arbitration Law

The competent Court for annulment suit

Article 54/2 

 " Jurisdiction with regard to an action for the annulment of awards made in international commercial arbitration lies with the court referred to in Article 9 of this Law. In cases not related to international commercial arbitration, jurisdiction lies with the court of appeal having competence over the tribunal that would have initially had jurisdiction to adjudicate the dispute

Accordingly, the competent Court is different according to the type of arbitration. in case of international commercial arbitration,  as stipulated in article 2,3 from the arbitration law, competence lies with the Cairo Court of Appeal unless the parties agree on the competence of another appellate court in Egypt .

My translation from Arabic into English

Articles from the Egyptian Civil Code on TORT

Article(221)  of the Civil Code provides that the judge will fix the amount of damages, if it has not been fixed in the contract or by law. The judge shall calculate damages based on the proprietor’s losses suffered and profits of which he has been deprived, provided that they are the normal result of the failure to perform the obligation or of delay in such performance."

Tort liability as per Article (163) of the Egyptian Civil Code (theCivil Code”), whereby every fault, which causes an injury to another, imposes an obligation to make reparation upon the person by whom it is committed. Thusthree elements must be present for tort liability to arise: (i) a fault or error (which may be either an act or a failure to act); (ii) damage to another; and (iii) a casual connection between the fault and damage."

Article 178 of the Egyptian Civil Code imposed a quasi-strict liability for injury caused by persons in charge of objects which require “special care” or supervision, unless that person proves that the injury resulted from a cause beyond control. 

Translation by Heba Musa

Are any human rights absolute?

There are certain human rights which can be said to be unchangeable in their nature. These ‘absolute’ rights cannot be suspended for any r...