Monday, January 25, 2016

Harassment Law

The anti harassment law issued last year following the increase of the harassment incidents in the Egyptian society. A deterrent penalties to that phenomenon were drafted, Which resulted a noticeable decline in committing those crimes. The law criminate accosting others in a private, public, or frequented place with acts, gestures, or suggestions that are sexual or obscene, verbally, physically or through other non-verbal means or actions, including modern means of communication. the penalties of such acts are ranging from imprisonment from one year to five years.

Articles of the anti-drug law

Article 1/1

All substances set forth in table number (1) annexed to the present law, within the application of this law, shall be of narcotic material;

Article 2

There shall be a ban on whoever brings, exports, produces, possesses, owns, sells narcotic substances or exchanges or gives in any capacity narcotic drugs or  intervene as a mediator except in cases provided therein and under conditions set forth;

Article 3:

Narcotic substances shall not be brought or exported unless under a written authorization by the competent administrative unit;

Article 33/ A, D:

a) Anyone who smuggles or brought narcotic substances without a permit from the competent authority as set out by the law shall be punished by death and a fine not less than L.E. 100,000 and not exceeding L.E.500, 000

d) whoever (even from abroad) takes part in a composition, managing, organization, joining, or accomplice a gang that have the trade of narcotic substances, serving narcotic substances for addiction or committing any of the crimes provided herein among its goals inside the country;

Article 42 / 1

 Without prejudice to the rights of the good-faith third parties and in all cases; the narcotic substances and plants its seeds, money proceeded thereof, tools used and vehicles used in the transport or transfer thereof shall be forfeited.

Brief regarding the financial penalties in the Arab republic of Egypt

Brief regarding the financial penalties in the Arab republic of Egypt
The Egyptian legislator has set a general rule regarding the implementation of criminal sentences prescribed in article number 460 of the criminal procedures code which stated that “sentences issued from criminal courts does not implemented provided that it became final unless its stated otherwise”. However, with the exception of some of the sentences which are as follows:
Sentences that must be implemented once issued in accordance with article 463 of the criminal procedures code:
There are sentences that are to be implemented instantly despite being repealed; they are as follows:
Sentences issued with fines and expenses
Sentences issued with imprisonment for theft
Sentences issued with imprisonment to a return fugitive defendant
Sentences issued with imprisonment to a defendant who has no residence in Egypt (Article 463) as fearing his escape and the sentence shall be implemented upon being issued.
Sentences issued of acquittal or other penalty does not require implementation of imprisonment, and sentences issued with custodial penalty if the sentence ordered to suspend the implementation of the penalty, or if the defendant has spent the duration of his prison term in preventive custody/detention. Therefore, the immediate implementation of these penalties requires the immediate release of the defendant.
Sentences issued regarding measures on child as well as sentences issued in misdemeanors stipulated in act no. 182 of 1960 concerning competing of drugs.
How to execute financial penalties:
Article 505 of the Criminal Procedures code stated that during the settlement of the amounts due on fines and what should be return in addition to compensations and expenses.
The public prosecution should legally notify the defendant with the amount due before implementation in case it wasn’t determined in the sentence. But if it was determined it shall be collected by the set forth ways stipulated in the code of civil and commercial procedure or by administrative ways for collecting governmental money (article 506 of criminal procedure code).
The kind and difference of the financial penalties:
Fine is sum of money determined by judicial sentence and paid by the defendant to the State Treasury.  According to article 22 of the Egyptian penal code

القانون الفيدرالى السويسرى بشأن استرداد الاصول التى تم الحصول عليها بوسائل غير مشروعة

القانون الفيدرالى السويسرى بشأن استرداد الاصول التى تم الحصول عليها بوسائل غير مشروعة
قانون استرداد الأصول غير المشروعة
الباب الاول : مقدمة
القانون رقم 1:
هذا القانون خاص بتجميد ومصادرة واسترداد الأموال المتحصلة من سياسيين سابقين  أو المقربين منهم في الحالات التي يكون فيها طلب المساعدة القضائية المتبادلة في المسائل الجنائية غير ممكن بسبب وجود قصورا ما من الدولة الطالبة
الباب الثانى : تجميد الاصول
القانون رقم 2: الشروط التى يجب توافرها
يجوز للمجلس الفيدرالى السويسرى بموجب هذا القانون  أن يأمر بتجميد ألاصول الموجودة في سويسرا بهدف تسريع اجراءات المصادرة فى حالة استفاء الشروط التالية:
ان يكون تم التحفظ مؤقتا على الاصول بناء على طلب المساعدة القضائية المتبادلة فى المسائل الجنائية من الدولة الطالبة
سلطة التصرف فى الارصدة الخاصة بى :
1- الاشخاص ذات المناصب الهامة وتتضمن هذه الفئة تحديدا رؤساء الدول او الحكومات والسياسيين رفيعي المستوى، أعضاء الإدارة والقضاء والقوات المسلحة أو الأحزاب السياسية الوطنية ، وكبار المديرين التنفيذيين فى الشركات المملوكة للدولة و ذات أهمية وطنية
الأشخاص الطبيعيين أو الاعتباريين الذين تربطهم بشكل وثيق علاقة مع الأشخاص السياسين المتهمين بالفساد مثل افراد عائلتهم او شركائهم التجاريين
 البلد الطالبة غير قادرة على تلبية متطلبات إجراءات المساعدة القانونية المتبادلة بسبب انهيار كلي أو جوهري فى نظامها القضائي

 الحفاظ على المصالح السويسرية يتطلب تجميد الأصول


The sub-contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the correctness and sufficiency of his tender to cover all his obligations under the sub-contract
The sub-contractor shall execute, complete and maintain the sub-contract works to the reasonable satisfaction of the contractor and of the engineer and in strict conformity with the sub-contract documents
Subject to clause 4 (Contractor’s facilities) hereof, the sub-contractor shall provide all staff supervision, materials, testing equipments (as required), and everything whether of a permanent or temporary nature required for the execution, completion and maintenance of the sub-contract works
The sub-contractor shall at all times during the course of the sub-contract works employ upon the site a competent English speaking supervisor capable of accepting instructions from, and coordinate with contractor
The sub-contractor shall not assign the whole or any part of the benefit of this sub-contract nor shall he sub-let the whole or any part of the sub-contract works without the previous written consent of the contractor. The sub-contractor shall, if so required by the contractor. Immediately remove from the site any sub-contractor that has been employed without complying with this condition. Provided always that the sub-contractor may without such consent assign either absolutely or by way of charge any sum which is or may become due to him under this sub-contract
The sub contractor shall be deemed to have all knowledge of the provisions of the main contract
The contractor shall provide the sub-contractor with one set of drawings related to the sub-contract works which shall remain the property of the contractor. One set shall be kept on site at all times and shall be available for the contractor and engineer’s inspection at all reasonable times
The sub contractor shall provide the contractor with drawings and calculations for all temporary works prior to commencement of such temporary works by the sub-contractor for the information of the contractor, nothing herein shall relieve the sub-contractor of any of his responsibilities for the safe design and execution of such temporary works
save where the provisions of the sub- contract otherwise require the sub-contractor shall so execute, complete and maintain the sub-contract works that no act or omission of his in relation thereto shall constitute, cause or contribute to any breach by the contractor of any of his obligations under the main contract and the sub-contractor shall, save as aforesaid, assume and perform hereunder all the obligations and liabilities of the contractor under the main contract in relation to the sub-contract works. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any privity of contract between the sub-contractor and the employer
The sup-contractor shall indemnify the contractor against every liability which the contractor may incur to any other person whatsoever and against all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs and expenses made against or incurred by the contractor by reason of any breach by the sub-contractor of the sub-contract  

العقد العام
يتعهد المقاول من الباطن بصحة وكفاية هذا عطاء للوفاء بجميع التزاماته بموجب هذا التعاقد
يلتزم المقاول من الباطن بتنفيذ، واستكمال والحفاظ على  أشغال التعاقد على نحو معقول ينال رضا المقاول والمهندس، وبما يتفق تماما مع وثائق العقد من الباطن
 وفقا للمادة رقم 4 (مرافق المقاول) من هذا العقد ، يشرف المقاول من الباطن على العاملين والمواد واختبار المعدات (عند الاقتضاء)، وأن كل شيء سواء كان ذو طبيعة دائمة أو مؤقتة لازم لاستكمال وتنفيذ وصيانة أشغال هذا التعاقد
يتعين على المقاول من الباطن في جميع الأوقات خلال أشغال العقد من الباطن تعيين  مشرف كفؤ فى الموقع يتحدث اللغة الانجليزية ويكون مسئول على تلقى التعليمات والتنسيق مع المقاول
لا يحق للمقاول من الباطن أن يعطى أي جزء من الأعمال المتعاقد عليها لمتعاقد آخر من الباطن بدون موافقة خطيه مسبقة من المقاول.
يتعين على المقاول من الباطن و بناء على طلب المقاول. طرد على الفور أي مقاول من الباطن فى الموقع قد تم تعيينة دون الالتزام بهذا الشرط.
يجوز للمقاول من الباطن بموجب هذا العقد و دون هذه الموافقة  تعيين سواء بشكل مطلق أو عن طريق أي مقابل مادى تكون أو قد تصبح مستحقة له
العقد الرئيسى
يتعين على المقاول من الباطن المعرفة الكاملة لنصوص العقد الرئيسي
يلتزم المقاول بتزويد المقاول من الباطن  بمجموعة واحدة من المخططات ذات الصلة لأشغال التعاقد من الباطن و التي تظل ملكا للمقاول. و تودع مجموعة واحدة فى الموقع في كل الأوقات ، وتكون متاحة للمقاول و تفتيش المهندس في كل الأوقات المناسبة
يتعين على المقاول من الباطن تزويد المقاول بالمخططات والحسابات لجميع الأشغال المؤقتة قبل مباشرة هذة  الأشغال من قبل المقاول من اجل معرفة المقاول ، وليس هناك ما يعفي المقاول من الباطن أي من مسؤولياته أتجاة التصميم الآمن وتنفيذ مثل هذه الأشغال المؤقتة
بخلاف ما جاء فى نصوص العقد من الباطن على المقاول من الباطن تنفيذ، واستكمال وصيانة أشغال التعاقد من الباطن و أن أي فعل أو تقصير من جانبة قد شكل او تسبب أو ساهم في أي خرق من قبل المقاول من أي من التزاماته بموجب العقد الرئيسي و المقاول من الباطن ، كما سبق ذكرة، تفترض تنفيذ المقاول لجميع الالتزامات والمسئوليات بموجب العقد الرئيسي بالنسبة لأشغال العقد من الباطن. لا شيء هنا يجب أن يفسر على أنه انشأ أي تقصير تبعي من العقد المبرم بين المقاول من الباطن وصاحب العمل

يلتزم المقاول من الباطن بتعويض المقاول عن  المسؤولية التي قد أخذها المقاول  على عاتقه  لشخص آخر أيا كان وعن جميع المطالبات والطلبات والدعاوى والأضرار والتكاليف والنفقات التي تكبدها المقاول جراء أي خرق من المقاول من الباطن للعقد من الباطن

Organ Transplant

          Felony according to Articles No. 1, 2/1, 16, 17/1 of the Act No. 5 of 2010
Transferring a human organ or part of a human organ which is ( ) from ( ) live body with the intention of transplantation in the body ( ) without any necessity required to save the life of the recipient or to be treated from a severe or total sickness and that would expose the donor’s life and health to grave danger.

2-      Felony according to Articles No. 1, 2, 16, 17/1 of the Act No. 5 of 2010
Transplantation of human organ or part of it or reproductive cells or tissue, which is ( ) from ( ) that will lead to the mingling of lineages

3-      Felony according to Articles No. 1, 2, 3, 16, 17/1 of the Act No. 5 of 2010
Transplantation of human organ or part of it which is ) from ) an Egyptian with the intention of transplantation in the body of ) a foreigner if they are not married from three years with legally certified certificate

4-      Felony according to Articles No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 16, 17/1 of the Act No. 5 of 2010
Transplantation of human organ or part of it which is ) from ) live body for transplant in the body of ) if it’s not donation between relatives

5-      Felony according to Articles No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 17/1 of the Act No. 5 of 2010
(A) Transplantation of human organ or part of it which is ) from ) live body for transplant in the body of ) if he will affected by defects of satisfaction
(B)  Transplantation of human organ or part of it which is ) from ) live child for transplant in the body of ) by way of donation
(C)  Transplantation of human organ or part of it which is ) from ) live incompetent person with no capacity in order to transplant in the body of ) by way of donation

6-      Felony according to Articles No. 1,7, 16, 17/1 of the Act No. 5 of 2010
He began with the process of transferring a human organ or part of it before informing the donor and the recipient of the nature of the transfer and transplant operations and its potential risks in the short and long term and without granting the approval from the donor and the recipient

The penalty in the aforementioned provisions is imprisonment and a fine not less than twenty thousand pounds and not more than one hundred thousand pounds

Notice: If the result of that act is the death of the donor the penalty will be rigorous imprisonment and a fine not less than one hundred thousand pounds and not more than two hundred thousand pounds

7-      Felony according to Articles No. 1, 12, 15, 16 , 18/1 of the Act No. 5 of 2010
He conducted a transfer or transplant of a human organ or part of it or a tissue at an unauthorized medical institution and he was aware of that.
8-      Felony according to Articles No. 1, 12, 15, 16 , 18 of the Act No. 5 of 2010
He was the responsible manager of the actual administrative power of the (   ) medical institution. And a transfer or transplant of a human organ or part of it or a tissue has been conducted at that unauthorized medical institution while knowing it.
The penalty: imprisonment and a fine not less than two hundred thousand pounds and not more than three hundred thousand pounds

9 - Felony according to Articles No. 1, 2, 16, 19/1 of the Act No. 5 of 2010

Transferring a human organ or part of it which is ) from ( ) live for transplant in the body ) by a way of deceiving and duress 
The penalty will be rigorous imprisonment and a fine not less than one hundred thousand pounds and not more than two hundred thousand pounds

10 - Felony according to Articles No. 1, 2, 16, 19 of the Act No. 5 of 2010
Transplant of a human organ or part of it or tissue, which is ) from ( ) live in the body of
) by a way of deceiving and duress, while he was aware of that

11- Felony according to Articles No. 1, 6/1, 16, 20/1 of the Act No. 5 of 2010
Dealing with one of the human organs or part of it for selling or buying or in return

12- Felony according to Articles No. 1, 6/1, 2, 16, 20/1 of the Act No. 5 of 2010
He is a specialized doctor at conducting transplantation of a human organ or a tissue and he is aware of the fact that it’s in return of or gaining a benefit

13- Felony according to Articles No. 1, 14, 16, 21 of the Act No. 5 of 2010
Transformation of an organ or part of an organ or a tissue from a human body without the proof of his actual death and that led to his death while he was aware of that

14 - Felony according to Articles No. 1, 10/1, 2, 16, 23 of the Act No. 5 of 2010
Allowed to bypass the order listed in the prepared lists of the patients' names who need donation and the patient was not in critical need for the transplant operation

Translation by Heba Musa

Saudi Anti-smoking law

Part of my translation of the Saudi Anti-smoking law

Anti-Smoking Law
Article (1):
This law aims to combat smoking by taking all necessary procedures and steps at the State, society and individual levels in order to reduce the habit of smoking of all kinds.

Article (2):
Smoking refers to the active smoking of tobacco and its derivatives, including cigarettes, cigars, jurak, chewing tobacco (Tombak) and shisha molasses (Mu'assel) and any products containing tobacco. Whether it is done by cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, snuffing tobacco, hookah, chewing, storage or any other way.

Article (3):
Prohibition of the cultivation or production of tobacco and its derivatives in the kingdom.

Article (4):
To raise tariffs of tobacco and its derivatives by a decree of the Council of Ministers.

Article (5):
Warning labels, prescribed by the Executive Regulations, to be placed on tobacco packages and its derivatives.

Article (6):
Tobacco and its derivatives shall not be finally released, unless after laboratory analysis of its samples as prescribed by the Executive Regulations, to ensure compliance with the specifications set by the competent authority in coordination with the Ministry of Health.

Article (7):
Smoking shall be prohibited in the following areas:
1.     Places and squares surrounding the mosques.
2.     Ministries, governmental authorities, public institutions and their branches and other public bodies in the State.
3.     Educational, health, sporting, cultural, social and charitable institutions.
4.     Work areas in companies, Authorities, factories, banks and other similar places.
5.     Public transport by land, air or sea, according to the Executive Regulations.
6.     Food and beverage manufacturing, processing and packaging places.
7.     Location of oil production and its derivatives, transport, distribution, refining and fuel and gas distribution stations and sale.
8.     Warehouses, elevators and restrooms.

9.     Public areas that were not mentioned in the previous paragraphs. However, in the case of finding locations for smokers in the places that are classified in this paragraph, the person responsible for it must consider its isolation and being more limited and not to be entered by persons under the age of eighteen years. And the Executive Regulations shall determine the application of the standards of this paragraph.

Collection of important Articles

This is not my own translation

لا جريمة ولا عقوبة إلا بناء على قانون، ولا توقع عقوبة إلا بحكم قضائي، ولا عقاب إلا على الأفعال اللاحقة لتاريخ نفاذ القانون .
There shall be no crime or penalty except by virtue of the law. No penalty shall be inflicted except by a judicial sentence. Penalty shall be inflicted only for acts committed subsequent to the promulgation of the law prescribing them
1- و بناء على ذلك ، أصدرت المحكمة قراراً بألا وجه لإقامة الدعوي ، لصالح رجال الشرطة الذين أوقفوا السيد أيمن
thus , the Public Prosecution dismissed the legal procedures initiated against the police officers who arrested Mr. Ayman.
2- لا يجوز عزل القضاة من مناصبهم إلا بعد عقوبة تم توقيعها في دعوى محاسبة بموجب أحكام قانون السلطة القضائي
judges can be dismissed from office only if they are convicted in an impeachment action in accordance with the provisions of the judicial authority act.
3- على جميع الجهات المختصة، كل فيما يخصه، تنفيذ هذا القانون. ويُعمل به بعد ستة أشهر من تاريخ نشره في الجريدة الرسمية .
All concerned authorities, each within its competence, shall implement this Law. This Law shall come into force six months after the date of its publication in the Official Gazette ( Or Official journal ) .

4- يجوز للمحكمة أن تتلقى أدلة إضافية كتابية أو عن طريق الشهادة الشفوية ، ما لم تقرر المحكمة أن تلك الأدلة تراكمية فحسب .

- The court may receive additional evidence in writing or by oral testimony , unless the court decide it is merely cumulative .

5- يحظر على أي شخص تفجير ألعاب نارية بدون تصريح مسبق من مدير شرطة المطافئ .

- No person shall set off fireworks without the prior authorization of the fire marshal.
6- تسري أحكام هذا القانون على الشركات التي تمارس الأعمال التجارية و على المسائل التي تناولتها نصوصه ، فإذا لم يكن فيها ما ينطبق على أي مسألة فيرجع إلي قانون التجارة ، فإن لم يوجد فيه حكم يتناول هذا الأمر يرجع إلى القانون المدني و إلا فتطبق أحكام العرف التجاري و الاسترشاد بالاجتهادات القضائية و الفقهية وقواعد العادلة .

- The provisions of this Law shall apply to companies practicing commercial activities and to matters dealt with in its provisions. If this Law does not include a provision applicable to any matter , then reference shall be made to the Commercial Code . If a provision is not included therein , then reference shall be made or the Civil Code, otherwise provisions of commercial practice , and guidance by judicial, jurisprudent interpretation and equality principles shall be applied .

7- نطاق تطبيق القانون
ينص هذا القانون على القواعد المتعلقة بالإجراءات السابقة على المحاكمة ، والإجراءات القضائية بشأن الأفعال الإجرامية ، وكذلك إجراءات تنفيذ القرارات الصادرة بشان الدعاوى الجنائية .

Scope of application of Code :
" This Code provides the rules for the pre-trial procedure and court procedure for criminal offences and the procedure for enforcement of the decisions made in criminal matters " .

8- لا يجوز افتراض إدانة أي شخص بارتكاب جريمة ما قبل نفاذ حكم الإدانة في حقه .

- No one shall be presumed guilty of a criminal offence before a judgment of conviction has entered into force with regard to him or her.

9- يتعين على كل دولة طرف اتخاذ ما قد يلزم من تدابير تشريعية وتدابير أخرى لتجريم الأفعال التي تُرتكب عمداً بموجب قانونها الداخلي في حالة وعد موظف عمومي بمزية لا مسوغ لها ( أو غير مستحقة ) أو عرضها عليه أو منحه إياها ، بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر ، سواء لصالح الموظف نفسه أو لصالح شخص آخر مقابل أداء ذلك الموظف عمل ما من أعمال وظيفته أو الامتناع عن أداء عمل ما من أعماله .

- Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences under its domestic law, when committed intentionally, the promising, offering or giving by any person, directly or indirectly, of any undue advantage to any of its public officials, for himself or herself or for anyone else, for him or her to act or refrain from acting in the exercise of his or her functions .

10- بعد الإطلاع علي البيانات المستندية و التحريات التي أجريت بمعرفة الشرطة ، قررت النيابة العامة حفظ القضية لعدم كفاية الأدلة .

After viewing of documentary evidences and police investigations , the Public Prosecution set processus because of insufficient evidence.

11- تكفل الإجراءات التأديبية التي تُتخذ ضد القضاة إجراء التقييمات واتخاذ القرارات على أسس موضوعية. وتحدد هذه الإجراءات وفقا للقانون ومدونات قواعد السلوك المهني وسائر المعايير والقواعد الأخلاقية الراسخة .
Disciplinary proceedings against Judges shall guarantee an objective evaluation and decision. They shall be determined in accordance with the law, the code of professional conduct and other established standards and ethics .
12- لا جريمة ولا عقوبة إلا بناء على قانون، ولا توقع عقوبة إلا بحكم قضائي، ولا عقاب إلا على الأفعال اللاحقة لتاريخ نفاذ القانون .
There shall be no crime or penalty except by virtue of the law. No penalty shall be inflicted except by a judicial sentence. Penalty shall be inflicted only for acts committed subsequent to the promulgation of the law prescribing them
13- الحرية الشخصية مكفولة وفقا للقانون.
ب- لا يجوز القبض على إنسان أو توقيفه أو حبسه أو تفتيشه أو تحديد إقامته أو تقييد حريته في الإقامة أو التنقل إلا وفق أحكام القانون وبرقابة من القضاء.
ج- مع مراعاة أحكام أي قانون مدون ، فإن العقوبات التي يجوز فرضها بموجب هذا القانون هي الإعدام، والسجن والضرب ، والغرامة ، والمصادرة .

A ) - Personal freedom is guaranteed under the law
B ) - A person cannot be arrested , detained , imprisoned or searched , or his/her place of residence specified or his/her freedom of residence or movement restricted , except under the provision of the Law and under judicial supervision .
C ) - Subject to the provisions of any other written law, the punishments which may be inflicted under this code are death, imprisonment, caning, fine and forfeiture.
14- - يعاقب بالسجن مدة لا تزيد علي ثلاث سنوات كل من تآمر لتنفيذ عمل من شأنه إثارة الفتنة ، أو نشر متعمداً لكلمات أو كتابات من شأنها تثير الفتنة .
و في حالة العود المتكرر يعاقب بالسجن لمدة لا تزيد علي سبع سنوات .
Any person who
(1) Conspires with any person to carry into execution a seditious enterprise; or
(2) Advisedly publishes any seditious words or writing;
is guilty of a misdemeanor, and is liable to imprisonment for 3 years.
If he has been previously convicted of any such offence he is guilty of a crime, and is liable to imprisonment for 7 years.
15- د- يحافظ المحامون، في جميع الأحوال، على شرف وكرامة مهنتهم باعتبارهم عاملين أساسيين في مجال إقامة العدل.

E ) - Lawyers shall at all times maintain the honour and dignity of their profession as essential agents of the administration of justice.

Are any human rights absolute?

There are certain human rights which can be said to be unchangeable in their nature. These ‘absolute’ rights cannot be suspended for any r...