Monday, January 25, 2016

Saudi Anti-smoking law

Part of my translation of the Saudi Anti-smoking law

Anti-Smoking Law
Article (1):
This law aims to combat smoking by taking all necessary procedures and steps at the State, society and individual levels in order to reduce the habit of smoking of all kinds.

Article (2):
Smoking refers to the active smoking of tobacco and its derivatives, including cigarettes, cigars, jurak, chewing tobacco (Tombak) and shisha molasses (Mu'assel) and any products containing tobacco. Whether it is done by cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, snuffing tobacco, hookah, chewing, storage or any other way.

Article (3):
Prohibition of the cultivation or production of tobacco and its derivatives in the kingdom.

Article (4):
To raise tariffs of tobacco and its derivatives by a decree of the Council of Ministers.

Article (5):
Warning labels, prescribed by the Executive Regulations, to be placed on tobacco packages and its derivatives.

Article (6):
Tobacco and its derivatives shall not be finally released, unless after laboratory analysis of its samples as prescribed by the Executive Regulations, to ensure compliance with the specifications set by the competent authority in coordination with the Ministry of Health.

Article (7):
Smoking shall be prohibited in the following areas:
1.     Places and squares surrounding the mosques.
2.     Ministries, governmental authorities, public institutions and their branches and other public bodies in the State.
3.     Educational, health, sporting, cultural, social and charitable institutions.
4.     Work areas in companies, Authorities, factories, banks and other similar places.
5.     Public transport by land, air or sea, according to the Executive Regulations.
6.     Food and beverage manufacturing, processing and packaging places.
7.     Location of oil production and its derivatives, transport, distribution, refining and fuel and gas distribution stations and sale.
8.     Warehouses, elevators and restrooms.

9.     Public areas that were not mentioned in the previous paragraphs. However, in the case of finding locations for smokers in the places that are classified in this paragraph, the person responsible for it must consider its isolation and being more limited and not to be entered by persons under the age of eighteen years. And the Executive Regulations shall determine the application of the standards of this paragraph.

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