Monday, June 20, 2016

Translation of Egyptian Marriage contract

Form (1) marriage Officers

Document of marriage contract

Book #
Document #
Civil status Registration under # …. On ….

Marriage Officer will sign under each photo and have the thumb prints of husband and wife on their respective photos.

From the identification card the identity of the husband Mr. …. Was confirmed to me, I, the marriage officer of .Under the jurisdiction of ……. Court And it was as well confirmed to me from the identity card of the wife that the Certificate of age estimation Issued by ……………

The two parties or those representing them expressed their desire to have their marriage registered & after I made sure they understand the impediments in Islamic and/or civil law and confirmed there were no such impediments & Further stated no one of them was suffering from any of the diseases that may be reason for separation.

On this Wed. the day of
Before and through me
court of personal status for legal administration
The following Marriage Contract was concluded by and between

Husband Mr. ….. who appeared in person
Mailing address for serving notices

 And after he had stated that he "does" not have another wife

 Capacity of her (proxy) the one who acting for her, and whether she is virgin or previously married.

Ms. … who is a virgin of age, by proxy, to her said father in concluding the marriage contract, and in receiving her advance sum and entering into agreement on the sum of money deferred to the earliest of the two terms known in Muslim law (death or divorce) and in receiving the document.

The Marriage contract is concluded in consideration of LE.., of which ….. was paid in advance to the wife's attorney as admitted, and …. Deferred and payable by the husband when due according to the Islamic law.

This marriage is lawfully concluded in compliance with the Book of Allah and the Tradition (Sunna) of His Messenger, may the Blessings & Peace of Allah be upon him, upon lawful offer and acceptance on the part of the husband and the wife's attorney.
Special terms and conditions ……………………………………………..

The Spouses hereby agree to the following:
Family Insurance Policy  #
As witnessed by both…………………….

This document is drawn up in an original and triplicate, one given to the husband/ his attorney; the second to the wife/ her attorney and the third filed with …. Civil Registration Office, the original is to be kept as is in the book.

Marriage consideration shall be stated in full, the advance sum and the deferred in figures and in letters.

The spouses may agree on whatever conditions they want provided that such agreement may not make permissible what is religiously impermissible or make impermissible what is religiously permissible as per Muslim Law.

Translated by Dr. Abdelaziz 


  1. Thanks a lot , you saved me time and money , jzakom Allah khyran :)

  2. Thanks a million. You are a life saver. God bless you.


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